We provide efficient printing, copying and scanning services suitable for small projects (less than 10pages) to big projects (Over 100pages). We do Black and White as well as Colour, and we can print on different paper types as per your request.

We also provide other relevant services like Binding and Laminating.


We also assist our clients with design and printing services for business cards, flyers, posters, brochures etc.

We also Design and Print Promotional Products like T-Shirts, Caps, Cups, Banners, Water Bottles, Gazebos, Bags, Jackets, Hats, Flags etc.


We Repair Hardware and Software for all Laptops and Desktops. 

We also Sell Brand New and Refurbished Computers.

Other relevant services that we offer includes the installation of Software like; Antivirus, Microsoft Office, Design Software and any other requested software  for personal and Organizational use. 


We conduct training classes for those with an interest in certain computer skills and applications e.g. Microsoft Office, Excel, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, Website Design, Video Editing, etc. 

Our classes are flexible for part-time and full time students, and we also do one-on-one classes 7 days a week.


We do ink refills for a wide range of Printers. 

We also sell brand new inks and cartridges.


We make stamps and nametags for all organizations and companies.


We also design, build and manage beautiful websites. We make our websites in a way that enables you to control and manage it on your own with ease. 


We do Social Media accounts management for companies and brands looking to expand their reach to the online population. 

Welcome to Completed2000

Inspired by Innovation

34 Years of solving problems and efficiently delivering a wide range of essential business and personal solutions. 

We Pride ourselves in the manner, transparency, dedication and love in which we conduct our business. Our story started 34 years ago

Design & Branding

Need to Service your printer?

We can pick it up from your home or office.

Your Computer giving you problems?

Let us take a look at it, while protecting your personal information.

Want to master a new skill or software?

Join our classes today and get useful skills that might land you your dream job! 

Our passion is towards the satisfaction of all our clients and their needs. We dedicate our minds and hearts in every job we work on.

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29 Tenbergen Street,

Manzini, Eswatini

© 2022 Created by Mongi Nkhosi x  Brandingxperts

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